Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Birthday Treats!

As I mentioned last week it was my birthday on Friday (thanks for the birthday wishes everyone) and I had a lovely weekend celebrating.

Some of my presents… (bearing in mind Mr SS and I had agreed no presents!)

I have to admit that I am a complete candle junkie so I was pleased as punch to unwrap the large Yankee jar in “Fuffy Towels”. I had it burning last night, it’s really lovely. Reminds me of that clean laundry smell when you have a nice smelling fabric softener!

My other half knows I love Benefit and he surprised me with the Smokin Eyes kit, which he picked himself. Little did he know I have been after it for a long time! After all the carry on with the fake Benefit I received recently (see this post) It was so nice to get my hands on the real deal. I used it on Saturday and I’ll be putting up a review after I’ve used it a couple more times.

He also got me the Viva La Juicy perfume from Juicy Couture. It’s been on my list since I tried a tester on holiday, so I was glad he’d remembered. I would describe this scent as sweet but not sickly, girly but sophisticated, floral and clean. If you like Vera Wang Princess and Viktor & Rolf Flower Bomb, it’s along the same lines.

On Saturday we went into town for some lunch and shopping. I got a wee bonus present in Boux Avenue. This is a lovely new underwear shop and they were doing a special offer of free knickers with any bra so I couldn’t resist!

Although the plan was just lunch and shopping, day turned to night and we ended up getting the last train home after numerous cocktails! My favourite kind of day :)

Hope you all had a great weekend too!



  1. Fluffy Towels is one of my favourite Yankee Candles. Seems like you were very lucky (: Happy Belated Birthday xxx

  2. love the smell of that yankee candle, its gorgeous isnt it? hope you had a good birthday!
    xo Elly @ strawberrylacemoustache.blogspot.com

  3. sounds like a brilliant day :)


  4. Clean laundry is like my no.1 favourite smell. I know it's weird but when I wash sheets I LOVE getting them out of the dryer all warm and smelling gorgeous. Haha creep, aren't I?

    Sounds like a gorgeous birthday though :)

  5. You got some lovely presents! Happy (belated) birthday :) xx

  6. Thanks everyone!

    @ Lucy - Thanks! I hadnt smelled it before now, but i love it!

    @ Elly - Yes love it! Had a great day thanks.

    @ Raz - Haha not creepy at all! Its worth doing laundry for!


  7. Happy belated birthday :) Sounds like you had the perfect day: presents, shopping and drinks! x x x

  8. oh my god gorgeous presents! I love yankee candles christmas cupcake is one of my faves but fluffy towels i imagine would smell gorgeous! hope you had a lovely birthday what a keeper your boyfriend is ;) with presents like these xxx

  9. You got some great presents, happy birthday!

  10. Sounds like you had a lovely birthday :) I love Flower Bomb so I'll have to check the Juicy perfume out!

  11. Thanks guys!

    @ Becky - He's a keeper! I'm very lucky.

    @ Emma - Yeh give it a try!


  12. Happy belated birthday!! I love Yankee candles and Fluffy Towels is one of my faves. x

  13. lovely presents, i reaaallly want that perfume!


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