Thursday, 4 August 2011

Vita Liberata and Gellux Profile

Yesterday evening I had an appointment for a “Gellux Profile Manicure” and a “Vita Liberata” Spray tan. Usually the Gellux would cost around £30 and the Vita Liberata £25 but I got them both together for £20 in a Groupon deal a few months back. 

The Nails...

Gellux Profile Manicure is a long lasting gel nail polish. It’s similar to Shellac and Calgel and having had the Calgel version before, I was keen to see how this compares. Previously I have had purple, pink and also as a French manicure but this time the colour selection was quite limited and “Berry Smoothie” was the lightest, most subtle colour available. I’m always amazed at the nice glossy shine it gives and this time was no different. I’m not completely sold on this colour but the beauty of these types of gels is that you can paint over them with any regular nail polish and it looks glossy and fabulous, ten times better than when it’s just painted on your bare nails. I think it’s safe to say I’ll have these babies covered with my own choice of colour most days!

This type of manicure has lasted me anything up to 2 and a half weeks in the past, so stay tuned to find out how the longevity measures up!

The Tan...

I have to admit that as with Gellux, I hadn’t heard of Vita Liberata before seeing this deal. After booking, I noticed it on the shelves of Debenhams alongside other high-end tanners, so I was safe in the knowledge that they weren’t just gonna spray me with some concoction they’d cooked up out the back! I’ve had a few spray tans now, for special occasions. I don’t mind doing my own tan from time to time but with a spray tan I’m more confident that I’m avoiding streaks/ brown hands/ etc. I usually get the Fake Bake spray for £20 and it has never let me down. 

Vita Liberata is available in 3 different shades and although I’m normally a “Just make me as dark as you can” kinda gal, today I was glad to have a choice of 3 shades. I still have a good natural tan base from my holiday in June plus a wee top up from some recent Scottish sunshine, so I went with the medium shade, “Ecuador”. The spray process  was pretty much the same as any other (oh yes, here I am - NAKED, wearing a paper thong and shower-cap, good job I left my dignity at home!) but the girl was very professional and as long as you keep thinking that she's seen it all before – you’re fine!

It’s turned out the perfect shade. It is lighter than the Fake Bake spray but only a little. It dried very quickly and there was hardly any trace on my clothes or bed sheets. It smelled nice on the day it was done but today there was the usual slight whiff of fake tan developing. It’s now 24 hours since spray and it’s looking great. Watch this space to find out how long it lasts and how evenly it fades! You can check out Vita Liberata here.

I’d love to know if anyone else has tried either of these products and what your thoughts were? Are you happy with the range of colours available for your Gellux/ Shellac/Calgel manicure?



  1. How did the tan last after that? I've seen that brand around a lot but never heard of anyone that tried it!

    Andrea x

  2. Hi Andrea, well i got it done on the wed night and it was good thurs/fri but it started to go a bit patchy on the sat. Just in the usual dodgy places like inside elbow etc. So in my opinion it didnt last as good as a fake bake spray xo
